end of may update
hello again!
i always feel like i should be updating this thing a little more often! the last couple of times i sat down to write one of these i stopped and wondered if what i'm writing about is, i guess, appropriate? in that, i wonder if i'm maybe putting too much of myself out there onto the internet? it's a thought that i find crosses my mind a lot more these days. i have a bit of a habit of oversharing sometimes, and if it were a few years ago i might not have really thought twice about it, but especially lately, i'm a bit more guarded about that stuff. and by oversharing i don't mean like private information, credit card numbers, addresses, and such lol, but more like intimate thoughts and details about your life, your struggles, etc.
y'know, sometimes i'll come across a blog post on somebody's personal site and after reading it just sit there kind of dumbstruck and think, "huh, it kind of feels like i maybe shouldn't have read that", like i just **walked in on some stranger by accident**. i highly value being vulnerable in my creative expression—which i very much consider this site to be—but i also don't want to feel like that person that got walked in on with their pants down or something! there's probably a balance to be had, i'm just not exactly sure where the fulcrum point is. i just think my aversion to it is kind of interesting because a lot of my favourite art can be so painfully intimate, sometimes almost uncomfortably so, and i find that i connect with those a lot.
i just check myself a lot on whether or not i'm approaching this in a healthy way. maybe that's a good thing or maybe i'm overthinking it all, idk! maybe i'll find out some day!
other than my own self-imposed dilemmas about my online presence things haven't been _too_ eventful lately. for the producers here, i recently released another sample pack i've been wanting to do for a while, and i've been getting a lot of fun ideas for more i could do that branch a bit away from recording dinky lil' toy instruments and stuff (as much as i love dinky lil' toy instruments)! currently, i'm trying to see if i can put together a sample library of one of those toy keyboards using Decent Sampler (and maybe others if i can figure it out lol).
feeling very happy with the progress on my own album that i've been slowly but regularly chipping away at! still in the writing stages but i like where it's going so far!
trying to stretch every so often and gain some mobility back since i'm a little PC goblin (started practicing guitar standing up so i can at least spend that time standing more) (god, i would love a standing desk :')). picked up yo-yoing again after i stopped randomly last year (ADHD moment), it's been fun to fuck around with it in the times i take a break from the computer. unfortunately the yo-yo i was using somehow exploded lmao and now the two halves of it won't stay together for long (i get like two good throws out of it before it decides to fall apart again). it was a cheap one my mom got at an ice cream store a few years ago so it lived its life, already ordered a new one online >:3c.
that's all for now! already have a plan for the next post which won't be a personal update but just some rambling about something that i think is neat! take care, i liked how our apple tree looked the other day so here: