
here we go again!

today was my first day returning to university, woo. last year i decided to take a semester off because the previous one had burnt me out in a way that i've never really experienced before in academia, it kind of took me by surprise. i figured i'd use that new free time as an opportunity work more on my craft and develop some my creative projects.

some of that material i ended up actually finishing and releasing too! intrusyve thotz off my project DREAM DISPHORIA was one of those as well as the redesign of this site! i'll admit though, it does still feel like i wasn't able to get everything i wanted finished by the time the new semester rolled around. maybe i was a bit too ambitious, but also, i'm constantly jotting ideas down and getting excited over new ones; by the time a project is finished there's usually something new for me to work on right after.

(as an aside i just want to say i'm very, very grateful to all the positive reception that the DREAM DISPHORIA project has gotten and for all the kind things people have said! it hasn't gotten huge or anything but i'm used to throwing these things into the void with no fanfare, and while i don't necessarily mind that it's always nice to see people enjoy something you've created)

despite that i don't even think i ended up relaxing that much over the break either lol. it felt like i had a clock over me the whole time, so i got it in my head that i needed to spend as much time as possible scrambling, trying to finish whatever i could until it was up. maybe that's a bit overdramatic (most definitely). i do wish i gave myself a lot more breathing room though. allowing yourself the time to consume and digest art is as important to being an artist and creator as the act of creating itself is, and this is a balance i've always kind of struggled with getting right. i think i was consuming the most art when i was going through a huge creative block a couple years ago.

but not to make this whole thing to just a long list of pretentious artist complaints! i'm still chipping away at my next album, which'll be more of a traditional rock-y, guitar-based thing, and i might actually have some new, weird DREAM DISPHORIA material to release in the meantime (emphasis on might!). still always excited to be working on stuff!

anyway, here's a short audio doodle i haphazardly cobbled together the other night:
