
what i'm currently up to at a glance!


currently in between semesters for the summer, using the time to work on various projects and also chill out.

working on

i finally finished that Decent Sampler instrument! i sampled the base patches of my Casia SA-35/Concertmate-470 toy keyboard and you can find it for free right here! i'm very proud of how it turned out, making it was quite the learning process lol, but i hope i can do more of this kind of thing in the future!

still working very closely on production and mixing with my good friend Mahal Slick for his upcoming hip-hop/rap EP closed eyes & open ears! we're very happy with how it's been turning out!

writing for my own album on the side, tentatively titled orchid rot! off of my lofi and emo-adjacent project dstbnny & co.. it's something i've been tossing ideas around for for a while and i've been so excited seeing it finally take shape!

and, as always, i've been periodically updating this site! working on some pages for my shrines page, have ideas for blog posts that i want to get to soon, among other things!


right now it feels like the world is trying to get me to replace all of my old gear lol. my studio headphones of a few years finally pooped out on me, it's gone through a move, cable replacement, tons and tons of mixes, etc. i'll have to get a replacement eventually, preferably soon as the whole music thing is kind of what i do lol. following that, my graphics tablet pen of even longer also died on me (perhaps it was the years of literally chucking that thing around??). luckily i managed to order a new one on a pretty good sale, and while it'll technically be a downgrade i found i never really took advantage of all the features my previous one had, so i think i'll be fine (plus it's a lot more space-efficient on my desk!).

still pretty into yoyoing, learned a bunch of easy baby tricks. it's been my favourite way to fidget around when i don't have anything to do with my hands. unfortunately i now have the urge to buy even more yoyos and it feels like it'll be another instrument situation where i'll just keep amassing new ones every so often lol (i bought some maraccas at an antique store just a few weeks ago).

as an experiment i bought real metal banjo strings to put on my banjo ukulele (or banjolele) and to my surprise it pretty much works (don't try it all willy-nilly on any banjo ukulele though, mine just happens to work because the neck has a coordinator rod, which not all will have)! it's not the most ideal setup, but it certainly isn't terrible. now i'm starting to learn some actual tenor banjo playing and i'm really excited to try and incorporate some of that into my music!





though, admittedly i haven't been playing much games lately!